Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Book Journey...

At last! I GRADUATED!.....
I've been studying 3 years in preparatory, 6 years in elementary, 4 years in high school, and the most crucial one, my 4 years in college of nursing.
Most of the people said that nursing is really a tough course to take up. and I would say a big YES! yet, its the most enjoyable course I should say. But,let's just see on the serious side of this course. the booksssssss..... mode............
for almost 13 years of schooling, I never bee that addict or serious of reading books, especially books from school. But, since I w studying nursing, I leaned to love, live, and befriend of the books. I am not saying as books, but rather BOOOOKkksss... I mean, something that needs time, analysis, concentration and even care. It's a whole lot of books. Now, I am already a nurse, I would say that a big percent of here I am now, and what I've achieved is because of loving to read books. Books, really helps!.....

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