Thursday, May 15, 2008

Disaster Kid

Age : 2 years old
Birthdate : SEPTEMBR 15, 2005
Height : 2' 8" Ft
Weight : 15 kg

He is the son of my cousin. we are living in one roof. Though sometimes, he is irritating, but he indeed brings joy to where we live. We all love him. He is called as our "Disaster Master", why? because he is fond of destroying our things inside the house, when he feels he loves to ruin it. He loves to shout, and scream. He runs here and there. He has a lot of things we call an intermission number before he eats. He is hyper, especially during night time or whenever he can eat sweets or can drink soda.But most of all, he can't eat if he can't pra first. Eerytime he eats, he would ay "LORD FIRST".He is the KING of our house, and we LOVE him. He is simply my amazing Nephew.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

what a wrong HOT day!....

I was told by my sister t go to a particular institution to apply. Without a doubt, the next morning, I go to the one she said without knowing where I can be able to find it. Without minding th HOTNESS of the weather, I ride a jeepney form our home, going to the downtown, where I think I can be able to find a jeepney route that could bring me to the location. I ride the route 10, and LUCKILY (how happy it is to say) I arrived safely and on time, but I still have a problem, How can I go back to our house again? huhuhuhu..... well well well.. I think I should mind first what I will do to the place, later on I can be able to think of what will I do to go back to our house. After my transaction, I go out to the building with my heavy documents, my slim slippers, a fashion inspired ripped pants, a cotton made shirt, and my small gray umbrella.I waited too long, trying to find a jeepney that could go directly to our house. But i ended up riding a jeepney going to downtown. I stopped at the downtown, and ride a jeepney which I am not aware that is going to the place where I came from. My ride ended up as turning around and around and around in the city. huuh! hggggggggr!... what a day!... I can't do anything but to think it as an experience.

Lesson : Know first where yu going, and be watchful and observant.

Monday, May 12, 2008

sad sad sad...

Today is like a BLUE day...
Even the sky is blue...
Where is Mr. Sunset?
I want to see you.
You are the one giving me strength and hope...
Where are you?
Where are you?
I need you now, to give me hope
Please paint a smile on my face...

I just simply longing for you...

Sunday, May 11, 2008


One early morning, my mobile phone ringed, a number appeared and made me open my eyes, it's 0922_41_760.

A news that struck me from the caller.

How would you react in a possibility that you will be departed from the one you've always been with? A Situation that sometimes you can't avoid, for the reason that you probably understand but you refuse to understand.

There are really situations sometimes in our life that we have to think of every step that we will took part. It so glad to know that sometimes, there are people in our life that they consider us as their last word in the decision they will make, may it a Go or Not. It once happen to me, but I don't know how to react or what to say. maybe for reasons that I don't want to make mistake, especially, it matters about another person's life decision and not mine. My role? an adviser only. truly, my advise would one way or another make an impact to whatever the decision maybe.

Our conversation ended as me saying NO! a Big Big Big Huge NO!. What will happen or what will be the possibility of me saying NO!.. that I don't know, but just for one reason, I just said the word, that my heart dictates me to. and it's a NO!

My favorite Pillow

Something that is smooth, hugable, and and comfortable to embrace with while sleeping is what you call a pillow. It maybe big or small.
Mine is a small, smooth, and huggable pink pillow. It's my favorite, for it gives my comfort and relaxation whenever I sleep. I call this pillow "MiNe". I can't sleep without this, and can't even sit down in the corner fr too long without my pillow.
I just simply LOVE my "MiNe"