Saturday, May 3, 2008

JoBhUnT - Day 3

"You're accepted as a staff nurse now, you can start to work on monday"... I've been dreaming of a lot of scenes and topics that night, but then, the story always ended up me finding a job. The latter phrase, is always been linking in my mind, and always been my inspiration that one day, I may able to hear a phrase like that. JOB! JOB! JOB! JOB!...
Sadly to know, that more than a half percent of Filipinos graduating each year that are Jobless, and unfortunately I'm one of those.
Day 3 of finding job.
It wasn't easy for me, that everyday I could see myself, walking down the 50 meters away street,from our house heading the highway to ride a jeepney going to the downtown area, where I could be able to showcase myself to get a job.
I go to the first hospital on my list. As I went there, there were a lot of us, waiting at the outside of the office, to be entertained as their applicant. I then said to myself, can I be able to survive from this crowd, am I competent enough to be hired, or can I really do this? .. I paused, and said... YES! I can! ... and then, I also apply to other institution, without knowing that I almost forgot my Physiological needs. to eat... And my chaotic day ended with a smile of accomplishment and a smile of amazement that I was able to do all of those things.
Nurse - Medically, they are the ones providing care and attending the needs of the patients in the hospital. Nowadays, it is said to be one of the in demand profession, locally and even world wide.
Since the last day I graduated, and after I passed the licensure exam. I've been trying to find way how to be employed in a hospital, and I would say it's really really and really difficult. Now?... Maybe, I can relate to the song that would say. "I'm little bit of crazy, I'm a little bit of fool, I'm a little bit of lonely"..

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