Wednesday, May 14, 2008

what a wrong HOT day!....

I was told by my sister t go to a particular institution to apply. Without a doubt, the next morning, I go to the one she said without knowing where I can be able to find it. Without minding th HOTNESS of the weather, I ride a jeepney form our home, going to the downtown, where I think I can be able to find a jeepney route that could bring me to the location. I ride the route 10, and LUCKILY (how happy it is to say) I arrived safely and on time, but I still have a problem, How can I go back to our house again? huhuhuhu..... well well well.. I think I should mind first what I will do to the place, later on I can be able to think of what will I do to go back to our house. After my transaction, I go out to the building with my heavy documents, my slim slippers, a fashion inspired ripped pants, a cotton made shirt, and my small gray umbrella.I waited too long, trying to find a jeepney that could go directly to our house. But i ended up riding a jeepney going to downtown. I stopped at the downtown, and ride a jeepney which I am not aware that is going to the place where I came from. My ride ended up as turning around and around and around in the city. huuh! hggggggggr!... what a day!... I can't do anything but to think it as an experience.

Lesson : Know first where yu going, and be watchful and observant.

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