Thursday, May 15, 2008

Disaster Kid

Age : 2 years old
Birthdate : SEPTEMBR 15, 2005
Height : 2' 8" Ft
Weight : 15 kg

He is the son of my cousin. we are living in one roof. Though sometimes, he is irritating, but he indeed brings joy to where we live. We all love him. He is called as our "Disaster Master", why? because he is fond of destroying our things inside the house, when he feels he loves to ruin it. He loves to shout, and scream. He runs here and there. He has a lot of things we call an intermission number before he eats. He is hyper, especially during night time or whenever he can eat sweets or can drink soda.But most of all, he can't eat if he can't pra first. Eerytime he eats, he would ay "LORD FIRST".He is the KING of our house, and we LOVE him. He is simply my amazing Nephew.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

what a wrong HOT day!....

I was told by my sister t go to a particular institution to apply. Without a doubt, the next morning, I go to the one she said without knowing where I can be able to find it. Without minding th HOTNESS of the weather, I ride a jeepney form our home, going to the downtown, where I think I can be able to find a jeepney route that could bring me to the location. I ride the route 10, and LUCKILY (how happy it is to say) I arrived safely and on time, but I still have a problem, How can I go back to our house again? huhuhuhu..... well well well.. I think I should mind first what I will do to the place, later on I can be able to think of what will I do to go back to our house. After my transaction, I go out to the building with my heavy documents, my slim slippers, a fashion inspired ripped pants, a cotton made shirt, and my small gray umbrella.I waited too long, trying to find a jeepney that could go directly to our house. But i ended up riding a jeepney going to downtown. I stopped at the downtown, and ride a jeepney which I am not aware that is going to the place where I came from. My ride ended up as turning around and around and around in the city. huuh! hggggggggr!... what a day!... I can't do anything but to think it as an experience.

Lesson : Know first where yu going, and be watchful and observant.

Monday, May 12, 2008

sad sad sad...

Today is like a BLUE day...
Even the sky is blue...
Where is Mr. Sunset?
I want to see you.
You are the one giving me strength and hope...
Where are you?
Where are you?
I need you now, to give me hope
Please paint a smile on my face...

I just simply longing for you...

Sunday, May 11, 2008


One early morning, my mobile phone ringed, a number appeared and made me open my eyes, it's 0922_41_760.

A news that struck me from the caller.

How would you react in a possibility that you will be departed from the one you've always been with? A Situation that sometimes you can't avoid, for the reason that you probably understand but you refuse to understand.

There are really situations sometimes in our life that we have to think of every step that we will took part. It so glad to know that sometimes, there are people in our life that they consider us as their last word in the decision they will make, may it a Go or Not. It once happen to me, but I don't know how to react or what to say. maybe for reasons that I don't want to make mistake, especially, it matters about another person's life decision and not mine. My role? an adviser only. truly, my advise would one way or another make an impact to whatever the decision maybe.

Our conversation ended as me saying NO! a Big Big Big Huge NO!. What will happen or what will be the possibility of me saying NO!.. that I don't know, but just for one reason, I just said the word, that my heart dictates me to. and it's a NO!

My favorite Pillow

Something that is smooth, hugable, and and comfortable to embrace with while sleeping is what you call a pillow. It maybe big or small.
Mine is a small, smooth, and huggable pink pillow. It's my favorite, for it gives my comfort and relaxation whenever I sleep. I call this pillow "MiNe". I can't sleep without this, and can't even sit down in the corner fr too long without my pillow.
I just simply LOVE my "MiNe"

Friday, May 9, 2008

Green Piatos

It's 9:00 oclock in the evening, and I noticed someone opening our gate, as I was about to see, I saw my cousin in law bringing a food that I'm used before. It's been a long time that I am used of eating this food (we call it "chichiria"). I came to know this food from a friend who was once my confidante and someone who can relate on me. We were once an almost called as sisters, I sleep in her place, she slept in my place, we eat together, and even got time to bond with her sisters. I've learned a lot form her, and vise versa. She was the one who taught me ho to manage time in doing day's itinerary, and I was the one who taught her how to ride a jeepney from our school going home. But, that's not the plot of the story. Why is it that this "food" has a significance meaning in me? Knowing this buddy is quite weird. I could still remember, that every time, she has a problem, she eats nothing but this "food". And sometimes, I would know that she is stressed or having a problem if I saw this "food" in her closet, bag or in her bed. There was even once a time, that I called her over the phone, and she was crying, then before I go to their house, I stopped by a convenience store, I bought that "food" and a cup of ice cream. unknowingly, whe I arived with that, I then saw her face smiling. I was just a bit of wondering what's in there that made her felt okay and very fine. What's in the Green Piatos? hmmmmnnnn..........???

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

An unforgettable song...

There was a moment of my life wherein, I was once a Korean and taiwanese novel addict, merely because of my best buddy, her name in Bianca. She taught me a tawainese song from her favorite group. She gave me a month to memorize the song, and it took me week to memorize this song, funny, but everywhere I go I always bring the copy she gave to me, and I even put it in my wallet. The song is about two friends, that even they are opposite and different to each other, but they still consider themselves as best buds, it is titled as "You as a Friend".

"Dang Ni She Peng You"

Zhe Ge Shi Jie Tai Duo Li You Bu Hui Shao Wo Yi Ge Ren
Shuo Yi Jing Xi Guan Bao Ci Chen Mo Bao Qian Leng Luo Ni De Er Duo Er
Wei Xiao Bing Bu Dai Biao Jie Shou Chen Mo Bing Bu Dai Biao Leng Mo
Dang Ni Fei Yue Wo De Lin Kong Ni Shi Fou Neng Kan Dong Zhe Yang De Wo
Mei Ge Ren Wen Rou De Fang Shi Bu Tong
You De Xiang Zheng Feng You De Xiang Ba Huo
You De Dou Fang Zai Xin Zhong
Mei Ge Ren Cheng Nuo De Fang Shi Bu Tong
Duo Xiang Mei You Cuo Duo Shuo Mei You Yong Bu Ru Zuo Le Zai Shuo
[Chorus - Vanness and Ken:]
Zhi Yao Xin Li Dang Ni Shi Ge Peng You Shang Shan Xia Hai Jue Dui Er Hua Bu Shuo Ru Guo Ou Er Gen Ni Shi Qu Lian Luo Wo Zhun Zhong Ni Ji Mo De Zi You
Yin Wei Xin Li Dang Ni Shi Ge Peng You Zhong Shi Ren Ding Bu Shuo Ni Ye Hui Dong Ni You Ni De Wo You Wo De Jie Zou Zhen Xin Jiu You Xiang Chu De Ba Wo
Mei Ge Ren Wen Rou De Fang Shi Bu Tong
You De Xiang Zheng Feng You De Xiang Ba Huo You De Dou Fang Zai Xin Zhong
Mei ge Ren De Chen Nuo De Fang Shi Bu Tong
Duo Xiang Mei You Cuo Duo Shuo Mei You Yong Bu Ru Zuo Le Zai Shuo
(Chorus x2)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

JoBhUnT - Day 3

"You're accepted as a staff nurse now, you can start to work on monday"... I've been dreaming of a lot of scenes and topics that night, but then, the story always ended up me finding a job. The latter phrase, is always been linking in my mind, and always been my inspiration that one day, I may able to hear a phrase like that. JOB! JOB! JOB! JOB!...
Sadly to know, that more than a half percent of Filipinos graduating each year that are Jobless, and unfortunately I'm one of those.
Day 3 of finding job.
It wasn't easy for me, that everyday I could see myself, walking down the 50 meters away street,from our house heading the highway to ride a jeepney going to the downtown area, where I could be able to showcase myself to get a job.
I go to the first hospital on my list. As I went there, there were a lot of us, waiting at the outside of the office, to be entertained as their applicant. I then said to myself, can I be able to survive from this crowd, am I competent enough to be hired, or can I really do this? .. I paused, and said... YES! I can! ... and then, I also apply to other institution, without knowing that I almost forgot my Physiological needs. to eat... And my chaotic day ended with a smile of accomplishment and a smile of amazement that I was able to do all of those things.
Nurse - Medically, they are the ones providing care and attending the needs of the patients in the hospital. Nowadays, it is said to be one of the in demand profession, locally and even world wide.
Since the last day I graduated, and after I passed the licensure exam. I've been trying to find way how to be employed in a hospital, and I would say it's really really and really difficult. Now?... Maybe, I can relate to the song that would say. "I'm little bit of crazy, I'm a little bit of fool, I'm a little bit of lonely"..

Friday, May 2, 2008

JoBhUnT - Day 2 Time + Me = Cost of the Day

8:30am, waaaaaaaaaaah!.... I was late for my target time of making my resume, arranging my papers, and having myself picture for the application. Grrrr!......
I Swiftly as it is, I then go to the my cousin's cafe, where I can avail 50% discount of using the internet and printing (thank you for the sponsors).
I made a new resume,and an application letter. The printing and PC rental cost Php85, but it only cost me Php40. Its really a privilege sometimes, having loved ones and friends in a business like this. Kudos!
I also get a copy of some of my important documents and certificates needed for the application, a Php1.50 each copy and I have 8 pages and 6 copies each, and it cost me Php72 pesos.
1:30pm, I had my lunch at the store in front of the cafe, and it cost me Php75, plus my jeepney fare of 24 pesos, going to the downtown, and going back to our house.
It was a day of both sacrifice, learning, and enjoyment. Bottom line, I've realized that everything is temporary, and if you're aiming for something, work for it.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

JoBhUnT - Day 1 - A TaMbAy

I woke up from a buzz I set-up from my mobile phone "an alarm". It's 7:00 o'clock in the morning. I was stunned while staring at the ceiling, asking myself if I'll go or not. It's not the usual day. For few months my life is a 3am bedtime and 10:30am waking up time.Huh!... no choice, but I really have to wake up, arrange my papers, and fix myself.
The day started with a cold and refreshing shower, a breakfast of tuyo with vinegar, corned beef, and a cup of rice. I hurriedly walk down the street with my handful papers, a bunch of ballpens (in case some will not work), 2 pencils, my colorful post it, and my personal things in my bag. Huh! as if, I would go to th war with handful guns, armors and shields. The day has a temprature of 34 degree celsius.
I go to the hospitals and get their requirements for an applicant like me. And for the record, there were 6 hospitals I've gone. With the post it and pens I brought with me, I listed everything and every information I will be needing.
It was a different day and experience for me. For almost 16 years being a student, never did it linked in my mind that someday my life would be this. Before, it was easy for me seeing people looking for a job, sand even saying to myself that its just an easy work to do. But now, reality happens to me. Everything I've said before is far different and opposite to what I think it is before. For now,I am one of those millions of Filipinos they simply called in lay man's terms as "TAMBAY" - funny to hear, yet difficult to ponder on.

Monday, April 28, 2008

something to Look back...

Many of us over the years have grown a special fondness towards another person who can truly be placed under the category of “Best Friend”. These are those who know you inside and out. They offer you a sanctuary for sharing your innermost thoughts and weaknesses without a fear on your part of being taken advantage of. They are a breed apart from the rest of humanity and deserve our attention when the situation calls for it... I miss those times when We go to church together... I miss those times when we absent from our class because of too much eating and sleeping... I miss those days when we go to the roof top and singing... I miss those days walking in the sidewalk at 6:30 to go to a family's house... I miss those days when we watch movies together... I miss those days when you cried out loud to me when your down... I miss those days when I just HUG you when I felt alone... I miss those days when we talk about the guys we met...I miss those days when we write letters to let us know each other that we still exist... I miss thise days when we buy 6 PACKS of pancit canton for our snacks... I miss those days when we have to climb up in a window just to get in inside our "friends?" room... I miss those days when I have you always in my side... and most of aLL... I Just Miss You mY bEsTbUd...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I wrote this long long time ago....

I made this article last year, April 18, 2004 to be exact...

It was on April 18, 2003 when I first saw a picture in the NET, which I myself was really astonished and appreciated the real beauty of a man. A man of beauty in and out, an allurement of intelligence, elegance, and a warm heart for everyone. It's been 365 days ( 1 year ) that in everydays of my life,I've been brooding and imagining myself being with this Prince, which I know in reality I could not talk or just even a hasty touch to this Prince, but in my dreams I always deem of Him. My friends and family are always telling me that I am erratic, delirious, darnly crazy of him, that everytime I heard his name I could not say any single word rather a lot and millions of words I should say, that what I am thinking about this Prince is an unfathomable ambition according to them. This morning, I really make it to the point not to sleep just to write this journal.

Everyday I use to visit the NET as possible as I could just to check the website and even the message board I am use to join with about this Prince. I have also read a lot of articles in relation to the Prince, I even got magazines just to read news about him. I also read article about the girls who were link to this Prince.I even have pictures on him which I kept it in my own, in my own right sakes too. There are times that my friends are wondering and asking of my admiration to this Prince, that inspite of the bad rumors about this Prince I still admire this person. Am is just an ordinary person, a common student, simple person,and just a mere dot on this Earth, but the way I admire this Prince is actually an idolatry of a certain creation. It's not that I am really making my world revolve around him, but rather just merely an admiration that in my entire life, I would really kept as a treasure. A treasure that when time comes that I am alone, I would just think of him and would just smile and said "I have once done something craziness for this Man"...

@@@ =) =) =) @@@

"Princess MeG Windsor" : (the name I used to call myself in my own right)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

mY pLeDge oF sTuDy

I don't know why I wanted to write a blog this time. Maybe corny, or whatever, But it's just that i felt writing about where Am I now.... funny man or hindi, seryoso man or hindi, but that's just it! wahehehe......... just felt writing this.......

When I was a child, I could still remember that oftentimes I love to play "Mock Hospital Setting" that everytime I play with my playmates, my role is always a Doctor. An elegant "Mock Doctor". A "Mock Doctor"- wearing a laboratory gown made of plain white blanket made by my ate, a plastic stethoscope hanged on my shoulder,and my lunch box covered with white bond paper as my medicine bag,wearing an eyeglasses, a destroyed one eyeglasses of my mother which I got from our drawer, with a clipboard in my hand, and of course my patients are my playmates and my sister. When I enter school I keep on telling myself that I really wanted to be a doctor. But right now?... haha! here I am, waking up 4:30am to attend 6:30am circle at school, with a BIG size bag on my back filled with paraphernalias and 2 required books. Wearing a clean and well ironed uniform with clean white shoes, and stricly white socks. Listening and noting the head nurse's endorsements. Changing the patient's bed lenins. Letting the patient take the medicine. Doing a Bedside Care and doing a therapeutic conversation with the patient. Wiping the fecal mater *excuse me* of a bed ridden patient. Reading the patient's chart and make a so called "SOAPIE" an assessment outline and form to make a plan of care for the assigned patient. And the requirements which will be passed after the duty. And not to mention, the times when we were being reprimanded by our Clinical Instructors. These things are done within our 8 hour shift. Things in which I never imagined that would happen in my Life. Things that I never imagined, maybe because it's too far to my dream field of work, well, at least it's still just near to what I dreamt of in my Entire Life. Untill now, I am thankful and proud to say that i reached this stage. Near for a graduation, yet too far for me to see. but then, it is my pride that I am here now. Striving to survive, aspiring for a bright future, soaring high to be one...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

MoNeY cOuLdN'T bUy ...

This is a story from a good friend of mine....

12:30 am I received a text message .... unusual, cruddy, rough,and detrimental. I should say, it was a hurtful word I ever heard.

Things really change, Old may gone, but new has come. But what builds a turmoil here, is on how I still interpret and deal Life.
For few months, my life has been so complicated, all extremes are there. But, one thing I realized, life isn't that wonderful without those things had happen. It maybe depressing, yet it made me more mature and tough.
Right now, I reached the age on where I begun to think of life more seriously. Oooooooops!? Do I really mean "straight" serious? partly it is, partly not...
Late in the afternoon, I thought my day will end up into nothing, but the usual day. Day that in my four years, it was my first time to feel empty and blank, day that I have never seen the person nor heard something to whom I expected to (sad... sad...sad..) Day that, even in a small thing, I am hoping to see "them" just to compensate what I really feel. Day that i might say, the dumbest day I ever had. But that is not the plot of the story. Time really is unpredictable, Another turning point of my life came.
I arrived at home quarter to 6:00pm. the door is not close, and BooooooMmmmm! A huge box is in front of me, placed on the top of a small, and well stood table. It was written there MY FULL NAME - Box no. 21, Airline 1986, Flight no. 21, with my whole address and phone number under my name, and on the upper right it was written there BALIKBAYAN BOX. I was shocked and was stunned seeing the box. The first thing that linked in my mind is "was it a bomb"?... I slowly opened the box inside my room with handful memorable gifts. As I opened the box,it was then I noticed a designed banner of greetings, hanged on the wall. I couldn't help myself but cry. A cry of regression and happiness. regression? that despite the things had happen to me, I never think of those person behind that surprise, in which I think they're the ones I should be thankful and reason for me to be strong, regression that even for a moment of that day, I should've realize that happiness is not seen to be expected but to feel. and Happiness?
Happiness which is far beyond my imagination at that moment.
It was then I realized, that life isn't about of what is for you, but on how you live for it, that every bit of moment may it small or big, treasure it as if there is no tomorrow, that happiness is not about money, its about things that are too cheap and too expensive that no one can afford to buy it, but hence they just exist in unexpected time, unexpected moment at unexpected persons... And......... that's LIFE and........ I just LOVE them...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Book Journey...

At last! I GRADUATED!.....
I've been studying 3 years in preparatory, 6 years in elementary, 4 years in high school, and the most crucial one, my 4 years in college of nursing.
Most of the people said that nursing is really a tough course to take up. and I would say a big YES! yet, its the most enjoyable course I should say. But,let's just see on the serious side of this course. the booksssssss..... mode............
for almost 13 years of schooling, I never bee that addict or serious of reading books, especially books from school. But, since I w studying nursing, I leaned to love, live, and befriend of the books. I am not saying as books, but rather BOOOOKkksss... I mean, something that needs time, analysis, concentration and even care. It's a whole lot of books. Now, I am already a nurse, I would say that a big percent of here I am now, and what I've achieved is because of loving to read books. Books, really helps!.....